Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 25 - Hiccough

Hi Boys and Girls, 
Well, today's an interesting blog post. Hiccups?! I hate when I have them. They are uncomfortable and hurt. Do you enjoy them. After reading about them, I found on this on Wonderopolis -

So many questions!?!? So little time. 


Word of the Day:
Hiccough - a quick inhalation stopped by the closing of the "glottis" (little thing flappy thing in your throat) producing a peculiar sound. Also spelled hiccup.

Did you know today?! 
Today in 1769 ...
* A Newcastle (UK) man was admitted into the hospital because of his hiccoughs. They could be heard over a half-mile away.
* A pig farmer once had the hiccoughs for over 65 years. Makes you wonder if this record still holds true?!!? I would love for you to write it in the comment section. 
* Men get hiccoughs more often than woman.
* Swallowing a spoonful of sugar is reported as being 95% percent successful in curing hiccoughs. - What do you do when you have hiccoughs? I would love for you to write it in the comment section. 

Writing Activity: 
Hic. You got them this morning. Hic. And now it's afternoon. Hic. And they're still here. You've tried everything. Hic. Breathing into a paperbag. Holding her breath. Hic Being scared by friends. Hic. And nothing works. Nothing! Write about what you will - hic! - do.

Please post in the comment section. I can't wait to hear your story. 


  1. Ah, the dastardly hiccups! I'd probably try to sleep. I don't know if people can (or should) hiccup in their sleep, but it's worth a try...

    1. Julianna, LOL! Love that!! Now I need to research, can people sleep when they hiccup?!?
      Funny, I just researched it. It is possible. I would never have thought.
      -Ms. Knavel

  2. We usually try to have someone pull your ears and then the person who has the hiccups drinks water. LOL! It sometimes actually works!

    1. Jada,
      That is so funny. I never heard of that techniques.Do you have to pull hard or just softly? I used to do my "question" technique. It is where you ask a bunch of questions and the person with the hiccups needs to answer quickly. It sometimes works too. It basically distracts the hiccup person.
      -Ms. Knavel

  3. We usually pull hard just to pick on the person. My dad always told us to scare the person with hiccups so you never tell anyone if you have hiccups or else you get scared a lot. LOL


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