Friday, March 20, 2020

March 23 - TOAST

Hi Boys and Girls, You know me?!  I can not sit still and need to keep learning. So here is some fun things to try at home. I can't wait to see what you post in the comment section.


Word of the Day:
 Toast - To make bread brown by heat; from the Latin tostus (to dry or parch)

Did you know today?! 
March 23rd: Helen Porter Mitchell,  an Australian opera singer and teacher, had a new kind of toast named after her - Melba toast. Dame Nellie Melba was her stage name that she took after her hometown of Melbourne. Melba Toast is very thinly sliced bread toasted to a golden color. It was created by French Chef Auguste Escoffier. He also created Melba sauce and peach Melba. 

Create a new food to name after yourself or a teacher. Describe the food and why it would remind people of him/her or yourself. Remember to use adjectives and descriptive words. Post what you came up in the comment section. 

Create a new kind of toast. Using ingredients from home, can you make a delicious snack out of toasted bread. I never thought banana, nutella on toasted bread was so scrumptious until I tried it. Post what you came up with is so I can try to make it. Also, take a picture and email it to me. I would love to see how it looks! (

Quote of the Day Activity:
"The first rule in opera is the first rule in life: see to everything yourself." - Dame Nellie Melba

So what do you think about this quote. Thoughts? Explanations? Examples in your own life? Please post in the comment section. I can't wait to hear what you think.

Activity of the Day Activity: 
Dame Nellie Melba wasn't responsible for all these words, but they do all begin with MEL. 
Use this list to help you: melt, melon, mellow, melody, Melissa, melanoma, melodica, Melbourne, melancholy, melodrama, melting-point

a feeling of thought sadness  - ________________________
type of skin cancer - ________________________
Victorian state capital - ________________________
a girl's name - ________________________
unhurried and relaxed - ________________________
keyboard instrument played with the breath - ________________________
dramatic play - ________________________
the tune of a song - ________________________
type of fruit - ________________________
to change from a solid to a liquid -________________________
the temperature at which a solid starts to melt - ________________________

Email me your answers or write them on scrap paper. I will post answers after some people try. 


  1. This was really fun! Thanks for making a blog!

    1. Thanks! I am so excited that you think this. Who is this? Keep posting but make sure you tell me your first name. :)
      -Ms. Knavel

  2. Yeah sorry this was the first time i posted and i forgot. Ooops! :)


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